Need your Florida Responsible Beverage Training? Not sure what that is? Let us break it down for you. We give you the run down on who needs this course, why you should take this course, how it can help your work place and how it can keep you safe! We know that is a lot but of courses have been specifically designed to do all that.
What is Florida Responsible Beverage Training?
So what is this training? The Florida Responsible Beverage Training is to prepare any and everyone in the alcohol industry. Alcohol can be tricky. So of course, there are a lot of rules and regulations. Alcohol is highly regulated in the state of Florida by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. This department oversees anything alcohol sale related. To sum up, you don’t want to get on their bad side!
That is where a training course can help. If you are a business owner, having everyone at your establishment certified can be a huge benefit. Likewise, if you are a server/bartender, having this training can make employers much more likely to hire you. This training course will tell you everything you need to know about serving responsibly. Some of the things this course will go over include:
- how to check I.d’s
- when and how to cut off a customer
- the legal intoxication limit
- Dealing with minors
- drinking and driving
- how to make sure you (the server/bartender) stay out of all legal trouble
This course is recommend by Florida officials to keep establishments aware of all laws and regulations. Any violations of alcohol laws can result in firing and/or the establishment losing their license.
How can this help my workplace if I am the business owner?
If you are a business owner where there is alcohol served this course can greatly help you. Servers/bartenders should all be made aware of current laws and regulations regarding alcohol. In return, this not only helps you, it also, helps them stay safe. We will get into that later. As for now, we will go over how this helps protects your business.
This biggest way that having everyone trained can help? To keep you from getting sued! That’s right. If someone is underage or over served the blame can be put onto the establishment. As the business owner, you need to make sure all your servers are made aware of this. Alcohol has to be taken seriously. I.D.’s must be properly checked and all laws must be followed. Consequently, if a law is broken, the blame can be placed on the business. It can result in losing your alcohol license which we know is a large part of sales!
Florida DBPR is also always looking out for business violating alcohol laws. If you violate a law the outcome will be fines! Any establishment not following the strict alcohol laws placed by the state will be subject to tickets resulting in fines.
Want to get your entire place trained? Perfect! We include a corporate discount so you can do it all at once. Taking the class together results in better retention. Have all of your employees take the course at the same time. This makes for great fun and great learning.
How can this help if I am a server/bartender?
If you are a server/bartender you are the most vulnerable to fines and lawsuits. We know this sounds extremely scary but unfortunately, this is a real thing that happens. You must know all current laws and strictly abide by them. Not doing so can result in the above.
The worst thing? You can be held responsible for someone else doing something stupid. If you someone drivers under the influence but claims they are overserved? Consequently, you may be held responsible due to the Dram Shop law. The Florida Dram shop law is defined as:
- Florida law precisely spells out the state’s dram shop rules. It states that if a person “willfully and unlawfully” provides alcohol to a minor under age 21 or “knowingly” provides alcohol to a person “habitually addicted” to it, that provider may be held liable for any injuries caused by the minor or the habitually addicted person.
Alcohol is meant to serve a purpose of fun but when a seller/server does not know the proper laws it can bring out the worst. T

he best way to protect yourself is to stay educated. Even if you have already taken a training course, it is recommended to retake the course every couple of years. Protect yourself and those around you by staying on top of your game!
What we do at Comedy Seller Server
You are probably wondering where we come in! Let us tell you as sum it up. We provide training with a little bit of a twist. Not only are our courses very heavily researched and provide the most up to date information, they are also funny! That’s right. We hire real comedians to help write our course for maximum retention. In other words, you get to laugh and learn!
We have done our homework and found that learning combined with laughter is the best way to learn. In short, if you can add a bit of laughter people are more prone to remember what they learned. Don’t believe us? Check our our blog on why this method works HERE!
So, what are you waiting for! Sign up today and get instantly certified.
If we haven’t sold you on our course just yet, here are our top reasons why you should choose comedy seller server to sum it up.
- Humor! As if we haven’t said this one enough, professional comedians helped write, star and direct our courses. Therefor, you wont be bored and you will learn.
- Go at your own pace. In other words, stop and start the course as much as you like!
- We offer corporate classes! Want to take your course with the whole company? We offer both in person and zoom instructors. In other words, get everyone done at once and save money!
- Family owned and operated
- Get your certification same day! We offer instant downloads for those of you in a rush.
- Online support! Just in case you are having any kind of trouble we will always have to someone to help! In other words, we are here to help.
- Competitive pricing! We offer some of the lowest prices for online training.
- Easy to navigate test and quizzes.
- Education! Although we pride ourselves on teaching with humor, first and foremost we are hear to teach! In other words, we want you to learn.
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